clinical kitchen

Bulimia Nervosa – Breaking the Binge Purge Cycle

  Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by patterns of consuming a large amount of food in a short amount of time (bingeing) and eliminating calories consumed (purging). The most common compensatory behavior is vomiting. Other compensatory behaviors are using laxatives or diuretics, excessive exercise; extreme fasting; and manipulating insulin or other medications. Someone […]

Michigan Autumn is Good for Your Mental Health

  I was speaking to a colleague of mine yesterday. She asked if I had any ideas for inspirational thoughts on the monitors at Sanford West Behavioral Health Campus. As the Sanford Marketing Director, my answer to questions of this sort is always, “Yes.” I had been thinking about the mental health benefits of a […]

Michigan autumn mental health

Focus: First Responders – New Podcast for Sanford

  How do first responders manage the stress of the job? In a new podcast, Focus: First Responders, host Matthew VanLiere explores the mental health issues associated with being first on the scene to face challenging, dangerous, and exhausting situations. Matt comes by the subject naturally, as a 29-year veteran of the Ottaway County, Michigan […]

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Michigan Business Beat – David Green on Sanford’s Expansion

September is National Recovery Month, and mental health is a timely topic. We would like to thank Jeffrey Mosher and the Michigan Business Network for welcoming back David Green, Founder and CEO, Sanford Behavioral Health to talk about the subject.  A lot has changed at Sanford since the last time Green was interviewed in 2020. […]

Sanford Behavioral Health facilities

Recovery Summit 2022 – Limelight Interview

  It is National Recovery Month, and what better time to interview representatives from St. Claire County Community Mental Health (SCCCMH). They are an organization that exemplifies the best in community mental health support and partnership. We sat down with Executive Director, Debra Johnson, and Karen Zultak, CCBHC Project Director, to talk about their 3rd […]

Karen and Debra

Recommended Reading 2022 – Dr. Flores’s Library

  One of the joys of a Michigan autumn (after shuffling through leaves and looking at color) is to settle in with a lap blanket and a good book. For those in recovery, reading can be a distraction, an escape, and even a stress and anxiety reliever. Reading a good book about another person’s experience […]

autumn books

What is Recovery Awareness?

  September is Recovery Awareness Month, and at Sanford Behavioral Health, recovery is a word we hear all the time. One of the tenets of our mission is to support and educate those who are in recovery, their families and communities, but what does recovery awareness mean? The dictionary defines recovery as a return to a […]

recovery mountaintio

Binge Eating Disorder and Diet Culture

  Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is characterized by the consumption of a large amount of food in a discrete period of time. It is the most common eating disorder in the United States, and it affects people of all racial and ethnic groups. About 1.25% of adult women and 0.42% of adult men have binge […]

binge eating disorder

Admissions to Mental Health Treatment: Limelight Interview

One of the most daunting parts of entering mental health treatment is picking up the phone to ask for help. Often, when people call, they are overwhelmed, contacting us on what might be a very bad day. But every person who calls Sanford Behavioral Health will know they are no longer alone. The Admissions team […]

kelly Stone

Anorexia Nervosa – When Is It Time for Residential Treatment?

  Anorexia Nervosa Is the refusal of food/nutrition, along with an obsessional fear of gaining weight or “becoming fat”. This results in a disturbance in the way body image is seen and experienced. In other words, the individual with anorexia not only believes their body is larger than it is, but they also experience it […]

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