Ultra-Processed Foods, Mood & Mental Health

Have you ever read the ingredients on your breakfast cereal box or other ultra-processed foods (UPFs)? It’s not for the faint of heart. Sodium bicarbonate, yellow 5, pyridoxine hydrochloride, and six synonyms for sugar. What is this stuff? Ultra-processed food contains high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and chemical additives like artificial color, sweeteners, and preservatives. […]

Trauma and Eating Disorders with Dr. Anna Flores

  How are trauma and eating disorders related, and how does trauma-informed care integrate into eating disorder treatment? Dr. Anna Flores sat down with Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders (SCTED) clinical manager Justyne Ortquist to discuss this in a new episode of The Recovery Tea podcast. The 55-minute podcast covers topics such as:   […]

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Addiction?

  We get phone calls all the time from people who are confused by a complicated behavioral health system; they need answers to their questions. Does my loved one need treatment? Do I need treatment? How do we determine the level of care that is appropriate? What are the signs and symptoms of addiction? How […]

How to Navigate Your Eating Disorder at Family Gatherings

  Family gatherings can be challenging for those in eating disorder recovery, especially during the holidays. Today on the Anatomy of Addiction podcast, we interview Dr. Anna Flores, a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition. She gives us valuable tips on managing eating disorder recovery during the holidays, into the New Year, or whenever families gather.   […]

Focus: First Responders – New Podcast for Sanford

  How do first responders manage the stress of the job? In a new podcast, Focus: First Responders, host Matthew VanLiere explores the mental health issues associated with being first on the scene to face challenging, dangerous, and exhausting situations. Matt comes by the subject naturally, as a 29-year veteran of the Ottaway County, Michigan […]

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Can Exercise and Healthy Eating Go Too Far?

  Today on the podcast we talk to Sanford Behavioral Health’sย  Gail Hall, LMSW, DCSW, CEDS-S about orthorexia and other eating disorders. Gail, who has been treating eating disorders for over 30 years, says exercise and healthy eating can present a problem when the individual becomes obsessed with eating clean. Also, the compulsion to exercise […]

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Together 4 Mental Health – KIPU Health Interview

  May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and this year’s theme is #together4mentalhealth. It’s a great theme for us, because at Sanford we value our business relationships. We also value the mental health of our patients and staff. And we know that one of the key components in mental wellness is community involvement.   Together […]

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Soul Hunger, Eating Disorders and a Historic ED Treatment Center

  Residential Eating Disorders Multidisciplinary Team On the Anatomy of Addiction Podcast, I had the opportunity to interview two members of the residential eating disorder team. Dr. Anna Flores and Erin Carrigan, MA, LLPC, LPCC, are both transplants to Michigan. They moved here to help build the residential eating disorder treatment center at Sanford. Sanford […]

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Partnerships in Behavioral Health! The Kipu Health Interview

  Today on the Anatomy of Addiction podcast, Alec Green, Sanford Managing Director is the guest host. He interviews Lester Toledo, VP Client Success, Kipu Health at Sanford West Behavioral Health Campus. Kipu provides cloud-based solutions from electronic health records to patient engagement and billing for addiction and behavioral health treatment facilities.   It was […]

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What to Expect When You Call a Treatment Center – Anatomy of Addiction Podcast

  Have you ever wondered what happens when you call an addiction, eating disorder or mental health treatment center to ask for help? Who answers the phone? What questions do they ask you? What should you have available? Do you have the telephone jitters, but just want to talk to someone about entering a mental […]

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