The Impact of Addiction on Children Ages 10 and Older

This article is part two of a series on the impact of addiction on children. Part one (ages ten and younger) was published in July. Before reading this article, I recommend reviewing the first article by clicking the link below. In the Sanford Behavioral Health  Family Program, we address the impact of addiction on children […]

Back to College and Alcohol – Information for Parents and Students

Drinking and alcohol seem to go hand-in-hand when students go back to college in the fall. Keggers, sorority and fraternity meet-and-greets, and other drinking rituals are understood to be a part of the college experience. In fact, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (updated 2024) of full-time college students ages 18-22 determined that 49% […]

Can You Spot the Person with Anorexia?

When we think about anorexia, many of us might envision an emaciated individual, typically a young woman with clothes hanging off a skeletal frame. However, it’s important to recognize that serious eating disorders can affect individuals of all body sizes, genders, and ethnic groups. In fact, only 7% of individuals with eating disorders are underweight […]

The Collaboration Between Medical and Mental Health Treatment

At Sanford Behavioral Health, we are always looking for new ways to improve the treatment experience for our clients. In a new collaboration with Grand Rapids’ RightCare Clinic, we are streamlining the process for patients who need medical clearance or stabilization before they’re ready to enter treatment for mental health conditions. Our collaboration between medical […]

4 Good Reasons to Choose Residential Treatment for Eating Disorders

The purpose of residential eating disorder treatment is to provide structure, safety, and accountability with 24/7 nursing and clinical support. This degree of support reduces the harmful effects of eating disorders efficiently and starts individuals on their recovery path. We understand that the needs of each person seeking treatment are unique, and we work with […]

Chronic Pain and Mental Health – the Disparity in Care

In a new study published in the journal PAIN, researchers determined that those who live with pain are less likely to get help for mental health conditions, something that has been defined in previous studies. They also found that those living with chronic pain have a much higher prevalence of anxiety or depression than their […]

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Treatment – Residential to Virtual

Binge Eating Disorder or BED is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), BED is the most common eating disorder in the United States, affecting an estimated 2.8 million people. It is more prevalent in women than men, with 1 in 5 women […]

a group of people are eating at a table during their eating disorder treatment program and discuss their trigger foods

What is the Impact of Addiction on Children?

At Sanford Behavioral Health, we treat adults with substance use disorders (SUDs). Part of client treatment is to educate and create informed support for the significant folks in their lives. Our clients can be young adults with siblings in their primary family, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, friends, and partners; most have relationships with young children. […]

Holidays, Relationships, and Alcohol – Best of Excursions

There is a phenomenon that occurs at Sanford Behavioral Health after a holiday: website traffic increases, and phone calls surge. Our most viral articles about holidays, relationships, and alcohol misuse are accessed from the recesses of our blog. Why? The downtime, family time, and festivities around holidays often illuminate problems with drinking and fissures in […]

Best of Excursions – Plan and Enjoy a Sober Vacation

If you’re in recovery, the thought of planning and enjoying a vacation without alcohol might seem intimidating. However, with a little planning, you can ensure that your trip is enjoyable and safe. In fact, getaways are geared toward the sober traveler. You will be early to bed, early to rise, clear-headed, and energetic for all […]