Polysubstance Abuse Program

a man sits on a couch with his arms folded listening to his therapist about how a polysubstance abuse program could benefit himIt can be common for individuals who use drugs or alcohol to feel compelled to use other substances to cope with daily life. For instance, someone who uses alcohol to get to sleep may need a stimulant like Adderall to wake up for work. Then, when they need to focus at the office, they may use a benzodiazepine, such as Xanax. This practice is called polysubstance abuse, and while it can be extremely dangerous, it can also be addictive.

As such, many people who use multiple substances may require a polysubstance abuse program to overcome their addiction. At Sanford Behavioral Health, we’re proud to offer a polysubstance abuse rehab in Marne, Michigan. To learn more about our substance use disorders treatment, please call us today at 616.202.3326.

Who Needs a Polysubstance Abuse Program?

Polysubstance abuse occurs when a person is using at least three different drugs. For many, this term refers to the practice of using alcohol along with prescription medications, illegal substances, or a combination of the two. Some people may be using multiple substances without knowing it, as some drug dealers may mix or cut their drugs with other substances in order to give customers a better experience or ensure repeat customers.

Symptoms of polysubstance abuse can vary based on the drugs the person is using and the dosage. However, a few general signs may include:

  • Needing to use multiple drugs to have the same effect
  • Trying to stop using the substances but failing to do so
  • Turning to substances, even though they’ve damaged the person in the past
  • Having to use substances to ward off withdrawal symptoms

Using multiple substances at the same time can be hazardous. Whether intentional or not, mixing the drugs can lead to stronger, unpredictable, and even deadly effects. In some cases, the person using the drugs could overdose without realizing it. If you suspect that someone using drugs has overdosed, don’t hesitate; treat it like an overdose. You might save a life.

Seeking Treatment from a Polysubstance Abuse Program

Many people who are using multiple substances have tried to stop using them on their own, to no avail. It can be extremely challenging to try to get through the withdrawal symptoms and cravings on your own, and that is understandable. That’s where a polysubstance abuse rehab comes in.

Our polysubstance abuse treatment program offers support and counseling when you face tough challenges. Our detox program allows you to remain safe and in relative comfort as you begin the recovery process. Additionally, with the help of a residential treatment program, you’re able to get away from the triggers and temptations that have caused you to relapse in the past.

You’re also able to engage in a personally-tailored treatment plan, which will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. We offer a wide range of evidence-based and holistic therapy options that will help you get stronger as you recover. For instance, our therapeutic options include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Group therapy
  • Yoga therapy
  • Experiential therapy

Our team is here to help you create recovery goals and achieve them.

Seek Support at Sanford Behavioral Health

If you’ve been using multiple drugs and alcohol for an extensive period of time, recovery may seem like an insurmountable obstacle. However, it doesn’t have to be. At Sanford Behavioral Health, the team at our polysubstance abuse rehab in Marne, Michigan, is here to walk through the recovery journey with you. You don’t have to live with your substance abuse any longer. Help is available. Contact us today by calling 616.202.3326 or using our convenient online contact form to reach out to our treatment team.

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