The Importance of Food in Mental Health Treatment with Chef Peter

Chef Peter has been with Sanford Behavioral Health through a couple of kitchen moves. He has worked in the confined kitchens of historic homes and the vast, shining kitchen at Sanford West Behavioral Health Campus. He says over the years of growth at Sanford, he has also gotten “street-smart” when it comes to feeding those […]

Nutrition for the Recovering Body and Mind – Limelight Interview

Learning to prioritize healthy food is an important aspect of the treatment and recovery from a mental health disorder. So is rekindling the social aspects of eating, and at Sanford Behavioral Health we provide farm fresh options and a “family style” environment. Stimulating conversation and comradery occur around our dining tables.   Today we talk […]

Sober Cocktails from the Sanford Kitchen

Sober friends and recovery holidaymakers, we are in the heart of the 2020 festivities. Anybody else getting a little club soda logged? Even in the parred down events of this year, you might want to toast your favorite bubble-mate, the coming of a vaccine or 2021. There is something unnerving about a proffered champagne tray, […]

drinks and fruit alcohol-free

One Potato, Two Potato – Brain Food and More!

When you think of recovery, do you think about a potato? I bet your answer is a hard no. Well, I am going to change your mind. To start, I am going to go way back to the beginning and share a little history with you about the potato.ย    Potato History Letโ€™s go back […]

potato pot

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Healthy Eating Doesnโ€™t Have to Cost an Arm and a Leg … Most people think that healthy eating is expensive. That statement can be true, but it doesnโ€™t have to be. You ABSOLUTELY CAN cook and eat well on a budget. And in the current times, it is even more important to tighten our belts! […]

healthy eating oats

Tips to Stay Healthy in the COVID-19 Lock-Down

Healthy Tips from Sanford Chef Mackenzie … When we are stuck at home for a period of time it’s really easy to fall into a routine of not getting out of our pajamas all day, binge-watching our favorite shows, and snacking on whenever and whatever we please. If you are one of those people, you […]


Judy Garland & the Pervasive Stigma of Addiction

  Updated 1/2/25 In the movie Judy, there was a moment toward the end of the film when I thought to myself, Oh, for God’s sake – why doesn’t she get her act together? While a thousand ticket holders waited at a venue in London to hear her sing, Judy Garland was drinking in her […]

michigan summer

Healthy Nutrition Can Help Me Stay Sober? DO Tell…

In the musical Oliver, there is a scene where a long line of adorable,ย strategically smudged orphans imagine they are eating a feast instead of the gruel they are being served. They warble, “Food, glorious food – we’re anxious to try it! 3 banquets a day. Our favourite diet. Just picture a great big steak fried, […]

food on a table

Blue Monday (Tuesday, Wednesday…) Beating the New Year’s Blues…

  This week started with “Blue Monday”.ย  Blue Monday – January 16th. It’s known as the most depressing day of the year. It is when the post-holiday blues set in, when New Yearโ€™s resolutions have typically failed, and when the weather is at its worst. But it doesnโ€™t have to be all doom and gloom, […]

Winter Blues...

A Recipe for Anxiety (Hint – It Includes Dark Chocolate…)

  Many of us in recovery suffer with anxiety. It comes as part of the package of feelings we experience. It also waxes and wanes as we experience different moments and milestones in our recovery. Today, I am in the waxing phase. Iโ€™ll share with you how I am coping and my top tips to […]
