The Impact of Addiction on Children Ages 10 and Older
This article is part two of a series on the impact of addiction on children. Part one (ages ten and younger) was published in July. Before reading this article, I recommend reviewing the first article by clicking the link below. In the Sanford Behavioral Health ย Family Program, we address the impact of addiction on children […]
What is the One Gift Your Family Will Not Return?
The Season of Hope and Family Recovery This is the season of hope, joy, and the giving of gifts to honor that hope and joy.ย A season of this type applies to all people who practice traditions of their culture or faith. I am the Family Program for Addiction Treatment facilitator at Sanford Behavioral Health. […]
Alcohol-Free for One Month – Health Benefits
We are winding down the 4th of July weekend with parties and firework displays and alcohol in every cooler. For those in recovery, weathering another holiday rife with temptation is par for the course. For those waking with another hangover or who just feel like they’ve over indulged, we’d like to offer a challenge. […]
Alcohol and Divorce – Is Drinking Ruining the Marriage?
Updated 1/2/25 In an old song recorded in the 50s, Frank Sinatra sings, “Love and marriage, love and marriage. Go together like a horse and carriage. This I tell you, brother, you can’t have one without the other.” True indeed. But a less lyrical hypothesis is also true; alcohol and divorce go together like a […]
Childhood Experience and Addiction – Hole in the Soul
Childhood Experience and Addiction – Hole in the Soul I grew up in a family where my dad died when I was only 6 months old. My mum re-married and because of that, my brothers and I had a different surname than she and my stepdad. We wanted to keep our father’s name. All this […]
Sober Curious: Does Moderation Management Work?
I promise I am not researching moderation management for myself. It’s been a while since the little guy in the red jumpsuit on my shoulder has whispered, “Who would it hurt if you had one glass of red wine with dinner?” In fact, he’s been too busy the past three months to bother me, convincing […]
Sanford Virtual Addiction Treatment Available Now
As we continue to best serve our clients while responding to the spread of COVID-19, we are introducing Sanford Virtual Addiction Treatment. At Sanford, we are all healthcare workers on the front lines, looking out for our patients every day. And we are committed to helping public health facilitators contain the coronavirus pandemic, while also […]
The Motivation of Rock Bottom in Recovery
Rock bottom is a phrase that I have heard a lot since finding sobriety. And I realize that the term “rock bottom” is subjective. I originally thought rock bottom was an event that would define a singular course of action for me to recover from my addiction. In fact, my first rock bottom happened on […]
Sober Dating? How on Earth Do I Master Relationships?
Life as a single sober person can be difficult.ย And sober dating? Fellowship meetings are not social clubs, and I tend to focus on recovery and helping others while there. So it’s difficult to meet someone (although it does happen). I am also acutely aware that many of my fellows share stories of partners who […]