Focus: First Responders – New Podcast for Sanford


How do first responders manage the stress of the job? In a new podcast, Focus: First Responders, host Matthew VanLiere explores the mental health issues associated with being first on the scene to face challenging, dangerous, and exhausting situations. Matt comes by the subject naturally, as a 29-year veteran of the Ottaway County, Michigan Sheriff’s Department. He is currently the Director of Safety and Transportation at Sanford Behavioral Health, a mental health advocate, and a person in long-term recovery.


Focus: First Responders Podcast


focus first responders

Matthew VanLiere podcast host and safety expert.


One of the primary risk factors for first responders is the pace of their work. First responders face highly stressful and risky calls without the time to process traumatic work experiences. Stress, posttraumatic stress, depression, and suicidal ideation are commonly reported in first responders across studies (SAMHSA). Mattew Van Liere would like to talk about that, interviewing a variety of guests with different points of view.


Listen (20 minutes) by clicking the link below (or find us at Anatomy of Addiction wherever you get your favorite podcasts).


Focus First Responders podcast


Who Should Listen?

The podcast is for emergency response providers, public health workers, and first responders who are experiencing mental health issues. It is also for those in recovery, the families of those in recovery, and the sober curious. Clinicians and other addiction treatment professionals, and mental/behavioral health professionals should tune in for a first-hand account of the stressors related to emergency work.


Why Should you Listen?

Listen for inspiration. Or for solid information about complicated subjects conveyed in an affable style. Listen to Focus: First Responders as an incentive if you are ready to change your life for the better. And of course, listen for the entertainment value.


Sponsor of Focus: First Responders

Sanford Behavioral Health is licensed and accredited as a substance use disorder, eating disorder, and co-occurring mental health facility, serving the state of Michigan and beyond. Sanford is led by a growing team of medical, clinical, and support personnel providing medication-assisted and science-based treatment to residential, outpatient, and telehealth patients. Services include detox, residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, outpatient, and long-term support for patients and their families.


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Sanford Behavioral Health is licensed and accredited as an addiction, eating disorder, and co-occurring mental health treatment facility, serving all of Michigan and beyond. Each of Sanfordโ€™s facilities in Greater Grand Rapids is carefully and diligently crafted to create a welcoming and comforting environment. Sanford is led by a psychiatrist-led team of medical, clinical, and support personnel providing medication-assisted, evidenced-based treatment to residential, outpatient, and telehealth patients. For more information, visit