What to Expect When You Call a Treatment Center – Anatomy of Addiction Podcast

Alec Green and Katie Vokes tell you what to expect when you make the call!


Have you ever wondered what happens when you call an addiction, eating disorder or mental health treatment center to ask for help? Who answers the phone? What questions do they ask you? What should you have available? Do you have the telephone jitters, but just want to talk to someone about entering a mental health facility?


What to Expect When you Call a Treatment Center

Today on the podcast, Anatomy of Addiction, we answer all your burning questions. And we demystify the first step to getting help – picking up the phone. We talk to Sanford Behavioral Health Managing Director, Alec Green and Chief Operations Officer, Katie Vokes – two people with infectious energy and excitement for what they do.


On the podcast you will learn about the Sanford admissions team, clarify insurance jargon, and understand how detox fits into the continuum of care.  But most of all, we will take the fear and mystery out of the admissions process, let you know what to expect, and open the lines of communication.


We’re going to ask a lot of questions initially, and be prepared for those questions. Because we’ll want to know where you’ll best fit on our continuum of care. Our goal is to put you in the least restrictive level of care possible that’s going to help you the most.

Alec Green, Managing Director, Sanford Behavioral Health


Click the Link Below to Listen to the Podcast (or listen where you usually listen to your favorite podcasts):


What’s really exciting for us, and important as well, is that we can do what we call a one stop shop. So, someone can come to us for detox (November 15th) and there is no transition afterwards to other facilities – it’s all within our one organization. Which means we can communicate between care teams; patients are familiar with Sanford through the whole process. It’s just a more comfortable and effective way to provide treatment.

Katie Vokes, Chief Operations Officer, Sanford Behavioral Health


Sanford House Addiction Treatment Centers

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Marilyn Spiller is a viral writer, recovery coach, and recovery advocate. She is the Marketing Director at Sanford, responsible for written and creative content, website design, new media, promotions, subscriber outreach, and SEO. Excursions Magazine is a particular source of pride; it serves a wide range of readers, and “excursion” has become part of the company vernacular, describing Sanford’s signature experiential outings for those in treatment. She also developed and hosts the podcast Anatomy of Addiction and is Vice President of the Board of JACK Mental Health Advocacy.