Soul Hunger, Eating Disorders and a Historic ED Treatment Center

soul hunger eating disorders

Erin Carrigan, MA, LLPC, LPCC and Dr. Anna Flores


Residential Eating Disorders Multidisciplinary Team

On the Anatomy of Addiction Podcast, I had the opportunity to interview two members of the residential eating disorder team. Dr. Anna Flores and Erin Carrigan, MA, LLPC, LPCC, are both transplants to Michigan. They moved here to help build the residential eating disorder treatment center at Sanford. Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders (Sanford CTED) embarks on the first standalone residential treatment center in Michigan. Fortunately, Dr. Flores and Erin Carrigan are leading the way.


“We’re not waging war on eating disorders when we work with our patients here in treatment. We’re actually here to explore the question, who were you meant to be if this thing had not happened to you ? Similarly, who are you when you come out on the other side and connect and awaken to who you are as a true person, as your authentic self? Because, getting wrapped up in that identity of an eating disorder is a myth.”

Dr. Anna Flores, Program Director, Eating Disorders


Eating disorders (ED) are complex mental health disorders with one of the highest mortality rates of any psychiatric diagnosis (second only to opioid overdoses). Because of this, treatment is most effectively provided by a multidisciplinary team of experts. Medical monitoring and stabilization, nutritional intervention, and psychological support are all essential parts of the treatment process. Also, exposure therapy, and excursions into the community.


eating disorders bedrooms

Soothing colors, artwork, and comfortable beds in residential treatment


On the Podcast We Talk About

  • What to look for if you suspect a family member has an eating disorder
  • “Soul Hunger” and the co-occurrence of eating disorders and other mental health diagnoses
  • Why Dr, Flores moved from London, England to spearhead residential treatment at Sanford CTED
  • The difference between eating disorder and disordered eating
  • Social media and societal influences on disordered eating
  • And so much more!


“In eating disorders treatment we refer to ED voice or ED. ED loves to isolate people. And he also likes to put fear in [people] that we can’t have change or transition because ED is losing control. Monster voice comes out ‘NO. I CONTOL YOU’. Not true – with treatment, our patients start to learn.

Erin Carrigan, Eating Disorder Clinical Therapist


Soul Hunger and Eating Disorders – Anatomy of Addiction Podcast (click to listen or listen wherever you get your favorite podcasts)




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Marilyn Spiller is a viral writer, recovery coach, and recovery advocate. She is the Marketing Director at Sanford, responsible for written and creative content, website design, new media, promotions, subscriber outreach, and SEO. Excursions Magazine is a particular source of pride; it serves a wide range of readers, and โ€œexcursionโ€ has become part of the company vernacular, describing Sanfordโ€™s signature experiential outings for those in treatment. She also developed and hosts the podcast Anatomy of Addiction and is Vice President of the Board of JACK Mental Health Advocacy.