Family Gatherings with an Eating Disorder – Tips from Dr. Flores
Family gatherings can be challenging for those in eating disorder recovery, especially during the holidays. We sat down with Dr. Anna Flores,ย Doctor of Clinical Nutrition on staff at Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders (Sanford CTED). She gives us valuable tips on managing eating disorder recovery during the holidays, into the New Year, or […]
Family Health Matters – Eating Disorders
Thanks to Shelley Irwin and WGVU’s Family Health Matters for including us in their panel of experts to discuss eating disorders. Joining Shelly were Sanford Behavioral Health clinical liaison Dr. Anna Flores, Kathy Robinson, parent, and Gail Hall, executive director of Michigan Eating Disorder Alliance.ย Some of the questions the panel answered: What is an eating […]
The Psychology Behind the Sunday Blues – Wood TV Interview
Why does weekend frivolity make Sunday afternoons feel so foreboding? The term “Sunday Blues’, or “Sunday Scaries” refers to the anxiety 80% of American workers experience as the weekend winds down on Sunday afternoon. Wood TV 8 noon anchor/reporter Emily Linnert and Sanford Behavioral Health Founder Rae Green, JD, LPC, CAADA, discuss the psychology behind […]
Addiction Defenses: Denial, Justification, Deception, Manipulation
I wrote the complete series on people’s dynamics and defenses as they develop a substance use disorder (SUD) for the Sanford Behavioral Health Family Program. The primary defenses used as addiction progresses are denial, justification, deception, and manipulation. Denial, Justification, Deception, Manipulation For the family members of an individual developing an SUD, these defenses […]
5 Ways to Beat the End of Summer Blues
Michiganders feel a hint of melancholy during the Labor Day holiday each year. This is when we dry dock the boats, close up cabins, and buy back-to-school supplies. It is also the last big blowout of the summer, and picnics, waterskiing, tubing, hiking, and camping excursions abound. But for those in recovery, looking ahead to […]
Happy Trails – 5 Favorite Michigan Excursions
Atย Sanford Behavioral Health, excursions are opportunities for our clients to experience real life in the safety of treatment. Excursions provide authentic opportunities to unpack feelings and triggers. They also rekindle or develop new interests that help make long-term recovery manageable and fun. Happy Trails We recommend walking excursions while in treatment and long-term recovery. With […]
Ultra-Processed Foods, Mood & Mental Health
Have you ever read the ingredients on your breakfast cereal box or other ultra-processed foods (UPFs)? It’s not for the faint of heart. Sodium bicarbonate, yellow 5, pyridoxine hydrochloride, and six synonyms for sugar. What is this stuff? Ultra-processed food contains high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and chemical additives like artificial color, sweeteners, and preservatives. […]
Walking for Lasting Addiction Recovery
A doctor friend of mine has an adage that applies to recovery from physical injury but also relates to addiction recovery. He says, “Use it or lose it.”ย In other words, moving your body, even on a slow walk, is good for what ails you.ย But do you know how good? Or that walking provides […]
Early Birds Enjoy Improved Mental Health
I will admit to being a card-carrying early bird. I am known for greeting house guests at 5 am with a hearty “good morning” when they stumble to the bathroom or drink water before returning to sleep. Twilight till noon is when I feel most productive and alive. Watching the sunrise on a deserted beach, […]
Mental Health Awareness Month – Join the Community
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, the time to bring attention to mental health and its importance to overall health and well-being. At the same time, we are also experiencing a mental health crisis in the United States. In a new Surgeon General’s Advisory, Dr. Murthy raises the alarm about the impact of loneliness […]