The Benefits of Virtual and Outpatient Treatment for Mental Health

If you are feeling overwhelmed, it is important to remember that nearly one in five American adults live with a mental health condition, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH). Shockingly, only half of the people who suffer from mental health disorders receive treatment. Across the country, there is a significant gap in […]

Vacations Without Alcohol – Our Favorite Dry Destinations

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and it is also the time of year when we begin to think about our summer vacation. For those who are new to recovery, the thoughts of summer vacation without alcohol can be stressful. No glass of wine on the plane to “calm the nerves?” No sunset umbrella cocktail in […]

Spring Cleaning Benefits for Mental & Physical Health!

What is it about spring that makes you want to box up the tchotchkes and embrace an open concept? Nature’s abundance and renewal after the long winter spur us to transform our surroundings, clean out the garage, and cull the sock drawer. This desire to declutter may have additional benefits beyond an empty laundry basket. […]

Is Alcohol Ruining My Marriage?

  In 2017, I wrote an article about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s divorce and the role alcohol played in their relationship’s demise. Brangelina was secondary to the theme of the article, but it has gone on to garner more than 150,000 views over the years. I have updated it many times, and it remains […]

Therapy Dog Apollonia Inspires Patients at Sanford Behavioral Health

At Sanford Behavioral Health, therapy dog Apollonia (Apol) is a celebrity of sorts. When she trots through the halls with Sanford Founder Rae Green, both patients and team members brighten. She has inspired artwork in art therapy, love letters from patients leaving treatment, and even a set of personalized note cards. Apol also holds the […]

Sanford Behavioral Health – Updates 2024 with Chief Operating Officer Katie Vokes

Rae and David Green founded Sanford Behavioral Health (Sanford House) in 2015 with a mission to elevate the effectiveness and availability of treatment for individuals diagnosed with addiction and mental health disorders. After nine years of intelligent, controlled growth, Sanford Behavioral Health is now a thriving substance use disorder, eating disorder, and mental health treatment center. […]

The Importance of Food in Mental Health Treatment with Chef Peter

Chef Peter has been with Sanford Behavioral Health through a couple of kitchen moves. He has worked in the confined kitchens of historic homes and the vast, shining kitchen at Sanford West Behavioral Health Campus. He says over the years of growth at Sanford, he has also gotten “street-smart” when it comes to feeding those […]

The “Big Game” Hangover. Have You Heard of Super Bowl Monday?

  According to a yearly study by the Workforce Institute, nearly 26 million Americans will be late or miss work on Super Bowl Monday this year. Not surprisingly, the top reasons for planned absenteeism are fatigue, nausea, and hangovers. In years past, 34 percent of individuals over 21 stated that drinking too much during the […]

Damp or Dry Lifestyle? The Trend Toward Sobriety

Recently, I met a friend for dinner at a local restaurant packed with partiers. I arrived first for our reservation and ordered my usual recovery cocktail of gassy water in a wine glass with a splash of cranberry. Some therapists I’ve spoken with say the wine glass could be triggering, but after ten years of […]

Binge Drinking & Hangovers – Changing the New Year’s Norms

It is almost the new year, and folks around the globe are feeling the need to mark the occasion with parties, family gatherings, fireworks, and drone displays. It seems important to celebrate the milestone and enter the new year with a bang. In fact, drinking is socially sanctioned and normalized, and it is even expected […]