Excursions in Rehab – 12-Step, Alum, GLAD & Outdoor Group Meetings

Since 2016, Sanford Behavioral Health has prioritized excursions into the community as a vital part of addiction treatment and recovery. Today, at Sanford West Behavioral Health Campus, recreational therapy, art therapy, and recovery outings provide residents with an opportunity to participate in real-life scenarios in the safety of treatment. Coupled with other evidence-based practices, excursions […]

Ask Rae: My Real Life is a Mess and I’m Too Busy for Rehab!

Dear Rae:  I saw one of Sanford Behavioral Health‘s posts on social media for real-life recovery, and I have to admit it got me thinking. My “real life” is a mess. I have a problem with alcohol for sure, but I can’t go away to some rehab for 30 days. I promised my partner I […]

Damp or Dry Lifestyle? The Trend Toward Sobriety

Recently, I met a friend for dinner at a local restaurant packed with partiers. I arrived first for our reservation and ordered my usual recovery cocktail of gassy water in a wine glass with a splash of cranberry. Some therapists I’ve spoken with say the wine glass could be triggering, but after ten years of […]

Admissions Specialists – The First Voice You Hear – Limelight Interview

The phrase “dream team” is overused for a reason. It simply describes people who do their jobs well, work well together, and are the kind of folks you would like to have lunch with. They make an organization better. Admissions Specialist Aaron Marshall and Lead Admissions Specialist Jordan Higby are that kind of team, although […]

Binge Drinking & Hangovers – Changing the New Year’s Norms

It is almost the new year, and folks around the globe are feeling the need to mark the occasion with parties, family gatherings, fireworks, and drone displays. It seems important to celebrate the milestone and enter the new year with a bang. In fact, drinking is socially sanctioned and normalized, and it is even expected […]

A Few of Our Favorite Things to Maintain Recovery

Mocktails at parties and awe walks on beaches, family dinners where nobody preaches, 12-step meetings when traveling – these are a few of our favorite things. (Sung to the tune of My Favorite Things with apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein.) We are in the thick of Spirit Week at Sanford Behavioral Health, and we have […]

12 Days of Holiday Hope – Rod Townes’ Recovery Journey

At Sanford Behavioral Health, our work saves lives and brings hope to individuals and families all year round. During the holiday season, we strive to create an atmosphere of excitement and celebration for all our clients and team members. This year, we are showcasing recovery stories, treatment breakthroughs, and the beauty of diversity over 12 […]

I Can’t Go to Rehab Now – Our 10 “Favorite” Excuses to Debunk

It’s almost that time of year – Halloween parties, family gatherings, pageants at church and school, and an array of parties. The admissions specialists at Sanford Behavioral Health have favorite excuses for putting off the inevitable treatment for addiction, especially this time of year.  Why? Because the holidays are a last-ditch opportunity for tying on […]

Do I Drink Too Much?

I used to live in The Bahamas, where drinking in the morning is called (somewhat facetiously) “Bahamian breakfast.” It was not shocking to see someone walking on the Government Dock at 7:00 a.m. with a beer in one hand and a power tool in the other. No one looked askance when a tipsy tourist slurred, […]

Toxic Masculinity, Trauma and the Elusive Emotions of Men

Toxic masculinity refers to masculine norms emphasizing toughness and discouraging vulnerable emotions in boys and men. It is correlated with increased mental health conditions (e.g., substance use disorders, depression, and stress). The residential programs at Sanford House at John Street for Men address these conditions in an atmosphere of camaraderie and trust. Clinicians specialize in […]