Michigan summer - Onaway state park

6 Reasons a Michigan Summer is Good for Mental Health

Michigan summer feels hopeful and restorative. Green is the color of life, nature, renewal, and energy. The color green is also associated with fertility, growth, and harmony.  Blue stands for serenity, stability, inspiration, wisdom, and health. So, what better place to explore than Pure Michigan now that summer is here with all its shades of […]

When Experience is Therapeutic – Limelight Interview

At Sanford Behavioral Health, our client’s treatment is enhanced by the relationship they establish with their primary therapist. Today in the Limelight Interview, we focus on clinical therapist Shellie Cole-Mickens. Shellie is a powerhouse who founded Our House of Blessings, which offers sanctuary and support for women ex-offenders or those with mental health and substance […]

Mental Health Awareness Month – Join the Community

  May is Mental Health Awareness Month, the time to bring attention to mental health and its importance to overall health and well-being. At the same time, we are also experiencing a mental health crisis in the United States. In a new Surgeon General’s Advisory, Dr. Murthy raises the alarm about the impact of loneliness […]

High-Risk Recovery Situations – What Should I DO?

  The National Council of Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines high-risk recovery situations as “those that threaten your recovery or trigger a strong craving to use substances.”  One of the easiest ways to identify risk is by categorizing situations as people, places, or things.   People, Places, or Things People may be those you have used […]

Myth Busting – Non-Drinkers Are Not BORING

  On a recent long road trip, I listened to the podcast Smartless for 17 hours. This was my only entertainment other than noting the decor in rest area bathrooms and the displays in roadside gas stations (which morphed from Slim Jim and antifreeze to oranges and baby alligator heads). Smartless is hosted by Jason […]

10 Recovery Slogans – Why They Work

  Much of my writing is intense (e.g., Family Guide to Understanding Relapse). So, I’m ready to try something a little lighter yet equally informative. For example, a part of the recovery dialogue revealed to me over the years is the use of slogans in recovery. At first, I thought they were silly. I couldn’t […]

Man holding sign with a recovery slogan

Women’s Binge Drinking Outpaces Men’s After Pandemic

During the pandemic in 2020, binge drinking among college-age students declined. The decline was attributed to the lack of gatherings and the isolation as classes went online. However, in the wake of the pandemic, overall drinking for young adults is on the rise. And in a Washington Examiner interview with Dr. George F. Koob, director […]

The History of Women and Wine Culture

  The United States is the largest wine consumer in the world, exceeding the wine-producing European countries such as Italy and France, which long dominated world markets. According to the Beverage Information Group, 52 percent of women prefer wine, compared to 20 percent of men. Women make up 59 percent of wine buyers. It bears […]

Shame and the Self-Conscious Emotions

You are walking down a busy street and trip on an uneven sidewalk. Or you are looking at old photographs and unearth one from when you were in active addiction, wearing a party hat that says, KISS ME, I’M IRISH. Or, as an adult, your mother says something about your lack of progress at work, […]


Sanford Library of Virtual Recovery Resources

Sanford Behavioral Health’s use of telehealth to continue providing virtual treatment services and recovery resources receives favorable reviews from many clients, even in the aftermath of the pandemic. Individuals who choose virtual connection express gratitude for the groups and individual services we provide. In addition, our clients say they look forward to telehealth sessions to […]

virtual recovery resources library