Myth Busting – Non-Drinkers Are Not BORING

  On a recent long road trip, I listened to the podcast Smartless for 17 hours. This was my only entertainment other than noting the decor in rest area bathrooms and the displays in roadside gas stations (which morphed from Slim Jim and antifreeze to oranges and baby alligator heads). Smartless is hosted by Jason […]

Addressing Trauma with Alternative Therapy

  Trauma is an event or circumstance that results in emotional, physical, and life threatening harm. It is important to note that trauma is highly individualized. This means, we all respond to events differently. How we respond is largely based on prior experience. For this reason, one person may demonstrate resilience after an event while another […]

Real Life Recovery: Day Treatment for Addiction

  A standard directive in 12-step or addiction recovery meetings is, “Go to 90 meetings in 90 days.” They say this to encourage anyone new to recovery to immerse themselves in recovery in the same way they immersed themselves in their addiction. Recovery is the most important thing a person can do. But what if […]

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Shame and the Self-Conscious Emotions

You are walking down a busy street and trip on an uneven sidewalk. Or you are looking at old photographs and unearth one from when you were in active addiction, wearing a party hat that says, KISS ME, I’M IRISH. Or, as an adult, your mother says something about your lack of progress at work, […]


Michigan Alcohol Abuse Statistics [2023]

The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS) has published current Alcohol Use Statistics [2023]. Not surprisingly, 60% of adults in the U.S. say that their alcohol consumption increased during the pandemic. 34% admit binge drinking, and 7% report extreme binge drinking. Men still comprise 62% of those diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder, 35% […]

What is a Hangover? Why Aren’t Hangovers a Deterrent to Drinking?

Ahh, the morning after. Those who have overindulged the night before rise like zombies holding coffee cups to their foreheads. They dig in messy purses and junk drawers for painkillers and stomach settlers, piecing the previous evening’s events together like tattered scraps of paper. No one with a hangover wants to see the sunrise or […]

man with alkaseltzer and water for hangover

Sanford Library of Virtual Recovery Resources

Sanford Behavioral Health’s use of telehealth to continue providing virtual treatment services and recovery resources receives favorable reviews from many clients, even in the aftermath of the pandemic. Individuals who choose virtual connection express gratitude for the groups and individual services we provide. In addition, our clients say they look forward to telehealth sessions to […]

virtual recovery resources library

Seasonal Affective Disorder – It’s Not Just the Winter Blues

  There are many things to love about living in Grand Rapids, Michigan. But let’s admit it – winter can be a tough season for those of us who live in the Midwest. Unfortunately, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is more than just a case of the “winter blues.” It can cause mood swings, anxiety, severe […]

10 Reasons a Michigan Winter is Good for Your Health!

  We have had a gloomy start to the year in Michigan. The sun shined for five minutes in the first eight days of January 2023. Since then, it has been all grey skies and puddles threatening to turn to black ice. So why, you ask, is this woman writing an article about the health […]

Dry January – What are the Lessons We Learn?

During the holidays, I was extolling (as one does when loved ones gather) about the relative ease of my recovery from an acute alcohol use disorder. I am nine years sober, and at this stage of the game, not drinking has become as much of an affectation as my omnipresent wine glass used to be. […]