A Few of Our Favorite Things to Maintain Recovery
Mocktails at parties and awe walks on beaches, family dinners where nobody preaches, 12-step meetings when traveling – these are a few of our favorite things. (Sung to the tune of My Favorite Things with apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein.) We are in the thick of Spirit Week at Sanford Behavioral Health, and we have […]
Why Eating Disorder Awareness Is Important
An eating disorder can be difficult to spot but can profoundly affect a person’s physical and mental health. Knowing the types of eating disorders, getting help for yourself or someone you love, and being aware of available resources are essential for ensuring that those affected receive the proper treatment. At Sanford Behavioral Health, […]
Anorexia in Larger Bodies? Busting Misdiagnosis and Stigma
When you think of anorexia, what is the mental picture you have? Images of an emaciated individual come to mind: a whisp of a young woman, clothes hanging off a skeletal frame. In reality, serious eating disorders can occur in individuals of all body sizes, any gender, and most ethnic groups. Only 7% of […]
Anorexia Nervosa – When Is It Time for Residential Treatment?
Anorexia Nervosa Is the refusal of food/nutrition, along with an obsessional fear of gaining weight or “becoming fat”. This results in a disturbance in the way body image is seen and experienced. In other words, the individual with anorexia not only believes their body is larger than it is, but they also experience it […]
The Rise of Orthorexia – Healthy Eating on Steroids
Orthorexia is a variation of anorexia nervosa which presents as an obsessional desire to eat only “healthy” or “clean” foods and a preoccupation with exercise. Although the initial presentation may be different from traditional anorexia, the core issue – an unhealthy fear of weight gain – is the same. “Adolescents are a nutritionally […]
Filling the Gaps in Eating Disorder Treatment – Limelight Interview
Since March 2020, the National Eating Disorders Association helpline has had a 40% increase in overall call volume. And contrary to popular belief, eating disorders can occur in individuals of all ages, genders, and body types. Because of the prevalence or eating disorders, there is a scarcity of treatment options available. At Sanford Comprehensive […]
How Workplace Culture Impacts Patient Outcomes and Staff Satisfaction
A few weeks ago, I had a patient tell me that she was very nervous to come to treatment. She said that once she was here, she found the staff to be compassionate, professional, knowledgeable, and happy. The word happy resonated with me because, as the Chief Operating Officer at Sanford Behavioral Health, I have […]
New Website Launch for Sanford Behavioral Health!
It’s time for a celebration; we have launched our new website! Sanford Behavioral Health (formerly Sanford House) in Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan has grown since its inception in 2015. And with myriad new programs and the opening of Sanford West Behavioral Health Campus, we were straining the capabilities of the old website. Six months’ […]
Eating Disorder Treatment Expanding in West Michigan!
Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders (Sanford CTED) is expanding its services in West Michigan during a time of significant need. Those who work in this field are aware that the pandemic increased eating disorders and disordered eating at unprecedented rates. Eating Disorder Treatment Expanded We are also aware that the increase is […]