Spring Cleaning Benefits for Mental & Physical Health!

What is it about spring that makes you want to box up the tchotchkes and embrace an open concept? Nature’s abundance and renewal after the long winter spur us to transform our surroundings, clean out the garage, and cull the sock drawer. This desire to declutter may have additional benefits beyond an empty laundry basket. […]

Looking Forward to Spring Mental Health (10 Ideas to Anticipate)

I am preparing for the family egg hunt next weekend. An extravaganza that accumulates new participants each year. It means dragging bins of plastic eggs from the attic, buying candy and trinkets, and planning brunch. Looking forward to the gathering of family and friends, children running on the grass, and the inevitable sighting of the […]

Binge Drinking and Your Liver

Recently, we wrote an article on alcohol-related liver disease being on the rise. It didn’t seem like a particularly exciting piece. It listed stats from the CDC and a description of the stages of liver disease. Interestingly, the article garnered a large readership and an abundance of comments on Facebook. Everything from wisecracks to political […]

Pets in Recovery – Best Friends or a Distraction?

We recently published two articles on our therapy dog, Apollonia, which were food for thought. Animalsโ€”especially dogsโ€”are good for recovery. But what about during a virtual intensive outpatient session? Can a pet make you feel more confident or willing to share? And consider a puppy or other young animal. When is it appropriate to bring […]

Human Resources (HR) and Recovery – Limelight Interview

Since mid-December, we have been publishing all manner of articles and interviews on hope for 2024. One name that came up several times was Sanford Behavioral Health’s Human Resources Generalist, Sam Domine. Sam is a breath of fresh air; almost six years sober herself, she works within Sanford to advocate for both team members and […]

Damp or Dry Lifestyle? The Trend Toward Sobriety

Recently, I met a friend for dinner at a local restaurant packed with partiers. I arrived first for our reservation and ordered my usual recovery cocktail of gassy water in a wine glass with a splash of cranberry. Some therapists I’ve spoken with say the wine glass could be triggering, but after ten years of […]

Admissions Specialists – The First Voice You Hear – Limelight Interview

The phrase “dream team” is overused for a reason. It simply describes people who do their jobs well, work well together, and are the kind of folks you would like to have lunch with. They make an organization better. Admissions Specialist Aaron Marshall and Lead Admissions Specialist Jordan Higby are that kind of team, although […]

Binge Drinking & Hangovers – Changing the New Year’s Norms

It is almost the new year, and folks around the globe are feeling the need to mark the occasion with parties, family gatherings, fireworks, and drone displays. It seems important to celebrate the milestone and enter the new year with a bang. In fact, drinking is socially sanctioned and normalized, and it is even expected […]

Benefits of a Therapy Dog in Mental Health Treatment

At Sanford Behavioral Health, we are doing a series of 12 articles on hope for the holidays and beyond. A series on hope would not be complete without talking about the benefits of a therapy dog in mental health treatment. We especially want to sing the praises of our therapy dog, Apollonia. Apol is an […]

A Few of Our Favorite Things to Maintain Recovery

Mocktails at parties and awe walks on beaches, family dinners where nobody preaches, 12-step meetings when traveling – these are a few of our favorite things. (Sung to the tune of My Favorite Things with apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein.) We are in the thick of Spirit Week at Sanford Behavioral Health, and we have […]