9 Things Parents Teach Children to Prevent Eating Disorders

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), “Starting at a young age, we begin to internalize messages that can lead to negative body image. Having a healthier body image is an important part of mental wellbeing and eating disorders prevention.” Body image begins at home, and at Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders, our […]

5 Questions to Support Veterans’ Mental Health

September is suicide awareness month, and I sat down with my colleagues at Detroit VA to ask five questions about Veterans’ mental health resources, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, and the prevention of Veteran suicides and other accidental deaths. Thanks to Katrina BeShears, LMSW, CAADC, and Christina Mariani, LMSW, CAADC Detroit VA Community Engagement […]

Shame and the Self-Conscious Emotions

You are walking down a busy street and trip on an uneven sidewalk. Or you are looking at old photographs and unearth one from when you were in active addiction, wearing a party hat that says, KISS ME, I’M IRISH. Or, as an adult, your mother says something about your lack of progress at work, […]


Body Acceptance & Diet Culture – A Parent’s Guide

  In October, we celebrate Body Acceptance Week (National Eating Disorders Association) and at Sanford Behavioral Health we support NEDA. In fact, eating disorder programming has shaped the way the entire organization looks at body acceptance and meals. We know that body dissatisfaction is a risk factor in the development of an eating disorder. But […]

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Team Approach to Eating Disorders – Limelight Interview

  Only two weeks ago, we announced Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders and our partnership with Gail Hall, LMSW, DCSW, CEDS-S and her talented team at CTED. In that time, we have joined forces, and given the high incidence of eating disorders co-occurring with substance use disorders, it was a natural pairing.ย    Providing […]

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World Mental Health – A New Survey on Wellbeing

  A new survey by Sapien Labs and The Mental Health Million Project, shows a comparison of the mental wellbeing profiles of eight countries. It also highlights differences across age and gender groups, and addresses lifestyle factors that drive mental wellbeing. The survey also includes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on worldwide mental health. […]


Announcing! Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders

  Announcing Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders! Sanford Addiction Treatment Centers has taken the next logical step in expanding treatment services in West Michigan by partnering with Gail Hall, LMSW, DCSW, CEDS-S, and her talented team at Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders (CTED).   When somebody is ready to engage in treatment and get […]

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Announcing Anatomy of Addiction Podcast!

  It seems like everyone is creating a podcast these days. But that’s because podcasting is a wonderful way to provide information, education, and entertainment while folks are on the go. At Sanford, we take educating the community about mental health seriously. In fact, Founder, Rae Green, and other Sanford staff members are often “on […]

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Reduce your Risk of Cancer? Stop Drinking Alcohol

  By now, we have all read or heard that the pandemic has caused a surge in alcohol sales. We also know or intuit that misuse of alcohol can result in a substance use disorder. And after an overindulgence, we might begin to understand that alcohol touches and can damage every system in the body. […]


Older Adults’ Addiction Treatment – Rae Green at U of M

  It was my pleasure to speak to the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan last week. The topic was “Alcohol and Other Substance Use Treatment and Monitoring” for a class addressing “Interpersonal Practice with Older Adults”. Higher education continues via zoom during the pandemic. And I can say that I have […]

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