Combating Fear of Detox: Taking the First Steps to Recovery

There is a large parking lot outside the welcoming entrance to Sanford Behavioral Health’s Detox Center. A common scenario unfolds when our clients and their families arrive. We can only imagine the discussions happening in the car and the second thoughts being expressed. Often, it takes time for them to leave the car and approach […]

Is DETOX Scary? We Answer Your Fearful Questions

There is a big parking lot outside the welcoming entrance to Sanford Behavioral Health’s Detox Center. A scenario often takes place when our clients and their families arrive. We can only imagine what is being discussed or the second thoughts being expressed. However, it usually takes time for them to leave the car and make […]

5 Benefits of Alcohol Detox Treatment

Alcohol addiction is a serious and complicated issue. It affects not only the person struggling with alcohol addiction but also their friends and family. Thankfully, treatments are available to help those dealing with alcohol use. One of these treatments is known as an alcohol detox treatment program. Sanford Behavioral Health offers alcohol detox programs that […]

an adult male sits on couch talking to his therapist about the benefits of alcohol detox

Fear of Detox? “Get Out of the Car,” says Dr. Gilbert Masterson

  There is a big parking lot outside the welcoming entrance to Sanford Behavioral Health’s Detox Center. A scenario often takes place when our clients and their families arrive. We can only imagine what is being discussed or the second thoughts being expressed. However, it usually takes time for them to leave the car and […]

Not Your Grandpaโ€™s Detox – One Year of Reflections

Sanford Founder’s Reflections on Advancements in Medical Detox My family has a story we tell about the time my grandfather went to alcohol detox at Deaconess Hospital in Detroit. It was back in the 1970s when the approach was โ€œwhite knuckle.โ€ He was tied to the bed with straps. While his sons held vigil, he […]

What Is Outpatient Detox Treatment?

When a person is struggling with substance use issues, they may need detox treatment to safely and effectively rid their bodies of harmful substances. Outpatient detox treatment is a form of detox that takes place part-time, typically involving several hours each week of medical assistance and support from addiction specialists. This type of outpatient drug […]

a woman sits on a couch listening to her therapist talk about outpatient detox

5 Benefits of Residential Detox Treatment

There can be many benefits of residential detox treatment, including increased comfort and safety, specialized medical care and support, and the opportunity to focus solely on recovery without the distractions or temptations of everyday life. Residential detox treatment provides a supportive environment where you can focus on healing from your substance use disorder while also […]

a woman sits on a couch talking to her therapist and understanding the benefits of residential detox treatment