Surgeon General’s Warning – Social Media is Hazardous to Mental Health

In a recent New York Times Guest Essay, United States Surgeon General Vivek K. Murthey announced he would call for a warning label on social media platforms. The goal is to increase awareness that social media has yet been proven to be safe. A surgeon general’s warning label is similar to those on alcohol and […]

Recognizing the Signs of an Eating Disorder

Recognizing the signs of an eating disorder is crucial for seeking help and accessing the right treatment. Sanford Behavioral Health provides effective outpatient treatment programs (including telehealth) for individuals struggling with eating disorders. Our comprehensive programs are tailored to fit into your everyday life while providing the support and expertise needed for recovery.   Our […]

5 Questions for Sanford Founder Rae Green on Body Acceptance

Body acceptance, body neutrality, body positivity – these phrases are often interchanged but mean different things. Body positivity means loving your body as it is; body neutrality focuses on what the body can do. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), “body acceptance includes body positivity, body neutrality, and body liberation—for all.” Today, we […]

What are the 5 Most Common Eating Disorders?

  First, eating disorders are complex conditions that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or body types. They are marked by a range of unhealthy eating behaviors and attitudes, often stemming from a combination of genetic, biological, behavioral, psychological, and social factors. Sanford Behavioral Health Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders (Sanford CTED) provides dedicated […]

Talking About Food with Your Child – Dr. Anna Flores

Notes from Dr, Anna Flores’s presentation “Talking About Food with Your Child” Language matters. Children are wildly impressionable and there is a strong connection between what we say about food, how we eat, and how we feed ourselves as adults, and what the young people around us are going to say about food, how they […]

What is the Most Common Eating Disorder?

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), BED is the most common eating disorder in the United States, affecting an estimated 2.8 million people. It is more prevalent in women than men, with 1 in 5 women experiencing […]

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Eating Disorders?

The long-term effects of eating disorders can significantly impact your health and mental well-being, so seeking treatment as soon as possible is important. These conditions can negatively alter a person’s life, increasing their risk of serious medical complications and long-term mental health issues. If you are struggling with an eating disorder, consider contacting Sanford Behavioral […]

Eating Disorder Admissions All-Star Team: Responsibilities and Rewards

At Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders, we are proud of how we have evolved since we opened the first standalone residential treatment center for eating disorders in Michigan. Our residential program is now two years old. Over the past two-plus years, we have also developed day programs and partial day programs for eating disorders, […]

Spring Cleaning Benefits for Mental & Physical Health!

What is it about spring that makes you want to box up the tchotchkes and embrace an open concept? Nature’s abundance and renewal after the long winter spur us to transform our surroundings, clean out the garage, and cull the sock drawer. This desire to declutter may have additional benefits beyond an empty laundry basket. […]

The Importance of Food in Mental Health Treatment with Chef Peter

Chef Peter has been with Sanford Behavioral Health through a couple of kitchen moves. He has worked in the confined kitchens of historic homes and the vast, shining kitchen at Sanford West Behavioral Health Campus. He says over the years of growth at Sanford, he has also gotten “street-smart” when it comes to feeding those […]