Eating Disorder Admissions All-Star Team: Responsibilities and Rewards

At Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders, we are proud of how we have evolved since we opened the first standalone residential treatment center for eating disorders in Michigan. Our residential program is now two years old. Over the past two-plus years, we have also developed day programs and partial day programs for eating disorders, […]

Eating Disorder Awareness – Best of Gail Hall, LMSW, DCSW, CEDS-S

  It seems fitting that Gail Hall, LMSW, DCSW, CEDS-S, is retiring during National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Gail has been a therapist treating eating disorders and an eating disorder advocate since 1986. She founded Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders (CTED) in 1998. Gail sold her practice to Sanford Behavioral Health two years ago, staying […]

Rae Green Interview: Embracing Body Acceptance – West MI Women

  Thank yous to West Michigan Magazine for the informed interview with Sanford Behavioral Health Founder, Rae Green. In honor of Body Acceptance Week, a new initiative from the National Eating Disorders Association, Rae gave her perspective on body acceptance as the holiday season approaches. Click the link below for the full article.   “Sanford […]

body acceptance Rae interview

Anorexia in Larger Bodies? Busting Misdiagnosis and Stigma

  When you think of anorexia, what is the mental picture you have? Images of an emaciated individual come to mind: a whisp of a young woman, clothes hanging off a skeletal frame. In reality, serious eating disorders can occur in individuals of all body sizes, any gender, and most ethnic groups. Only 7% of […]


Can Exercise and Healthy Eating Go Too Far?

  Today on the podcast we talk to Sanford Behavioral Health’s  Gail Hall, LMSW, DCSW, CEDS-S about orthorexia and other eating disorders. Gail, who has been treating eating disorders for over 30 years, says exercise and healthy eating can present a problem when the individual becomes obsessed with eating clean. Also, the compulsion to exercise […]

girl running

The Rise of Orthorexia – Healthy Eating on Steroids

  Orthorexia is a variation of anorexia nervosa which presents as an obsessional desire to eat only “healthy” or “clean” foods and a preoccupation with exercise. Although the initial presentation may be different from traditional anorexia, the core issue – an unhealthy fear of weight gain – is the same.   “Adolescents are a nutritionally […]
