wilderness state park sunset 2022 edited

Hiking and Addiction Recovery – Nature’s Dynamic Duo

  September boasts both Michigan Trails Week and National Recovery Month. I could not let the month end without comment, because the combination of hiking and addiction recovery is brimming with mental health benefits! More than that, Michigan outdoors has been a lifesaver in my own recovery story. My glowing accounts of dune scaling and […]

Sanford Behavioral Health Earns Prestigous Blue Distinction

  [Grand Rapids, Michigan 9/15/2022] Sanford Behavioral Health is proud to announce it has been named a Blue Distinction Center for Substance Use Treatment and Recovery at its Sanford House at Cherry Street for Women, and Sanford House at John Street for Men facilities in Grand Rapids, Michigan.    The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association […]

cherry john pretty

Residential Eating Disorder Treatment Tour

  The purpose of residential eating disorder treatment is to provide structure, safety and accountability with 24/7 nursing and clinical support. This degree of support reduces the harmful effects of eating disorders efficiently and starts individuals on their recovery path. We understand that the needs of each person seeking treatment are unique, and we work […]

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Michigan’s First Standalone Residential Eating Disorder Treatment Center!

  Thank you to, Alana Holland, and WZZM 13 for the informed reporting on Sanford Behavioral Health’s newest facility. Located just 12 minutes from downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan, Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders (SCTED) opens its in-patient treatment center in April 2022. At long last, it is the first standalone residential treatment center for […]


Family Addiction Education – It Takes a Lifetime!

  We ended our last article with a comment on learning. We said, “The more you learn, the more you want to know and understand.”  That’s a great lead into our next element of discussion for your recovery plan – family education.  The requirements for family recovery all go together. They include EDUCATION, SUPPORT and […]


Prioritizing Nutrition in Recovery

  When an individual begins treatment for a substance use disorder, prioritizing nutrition is not at the top of their list. The importance of nutrition often gets lost in the process of attending counseling sessions, finding local meetings, adjusting to new environments, and doing the exhausting work of forming better habits in every area of […]

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Remembering Early Recovery in an Empty House

  I had what will probably be a once in a lifetime experience this summer. Sanford House at Cherry Street for Women in Grand Rapids, Michigan was closed for a short time for restoration. This is something that happens rarely in the 24/7 world of residential addiction treatment. The 170-year-old floors were restored, and everything […]

Cherry mare

Eating Disorders and OCD – Why They Co-Occur

  People with eating disorders (ED) have a nine times greater risk of developing lifetime obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In a recent Journal of Psychiatric Research article, a study by Drakes, Fawsett, Rose, et al. also found that those with EDs were at eight times greater risk for current OCD.   Eating Disorders and OCD Both […]

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Hiking Michigan – 12 Reasons It’s Good For Your Health!

  Everyone knows walking is good for you. But did you know how good? And walking and hiking provide additional benefits to those recovering from substance use disorders (SUD). Especially those who are attempting to rebuild a healthy lifestyle and reverse the ill effects of long-term drug or alcohol use. The best news about taking a […]

Onaway State Park

Anatomy of Addiction Podcast – What is Recovery?

  “Recovery” is a word we hear a lot in the mental health field. Recovery is what all those with mental health and substance use disorders strive for. But what is recovery? And how has the definition of recovery changed over the years?   What is Recovery? Recovery is a process of change through which […]

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