What is the Impact of Addiction on Children?

At Sanford Behavioral Health, we treat adults with substance use disorders (SUDs). Part of client treatment is to educate and create informed support for the significant folks in their lives. Our clients can be young adults with siblings in their primary family, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, friends, and partners; most have relationships with young children. […]

Families and SUDs – Are You Care Taking or Care Giving?

You are a family member of someone with a substance use disorder (SUD). And that special person has finally entered treatment for their SUD. You have been following all the recommended steps for family members of folks with SUDs. Youโ€™re even feeling pretty good about things now. When suddenly, it hits you. Do I really […]

compress family group

The Legacy of Inter-Generational Addiction and Recovery

I was re-reading my last article on controlling behaviors, and thoughts about the inter-generational aspects of addiction kept coming to mind. Because so many people raised in families where there is addiction present, grow into adulthood and connect with people who have substance use disorders (SUDs).   Inter-Generational Addiction and Recovery According to the National […]

addiction and recovery in generations of family

Control Your Controlling Behavior! Family Recovery …

  When most of us think of controlling behaviors or people who are controlling, we think of people who bully others. Folks who yell commands, behave in an overbearing manner or are just plain rude. We think of the obvious behaviors that catch our attention. In this article we focus on controlling behaviors that are […]

controlling behavior puppet

Dear Rae: Is My 15-Year Old Using Alcohol & Drugs?

Dear Rae: My teenage son has begun to worry my husband and me. He is sullen and non-communicative โ€“ which is very new behavior in our house. We are a close family and he is our only child. In the past, John was open about school, friends and outside activities. But recently, he has been […]
