father and daughter holding hands to depict adult children of alcoholics

Ask Rae: Adult Children of Alcoholics Breaking the Cycle

Dear Rae: I am an adult child of an alcoholic (ACA), and I am in a relationship with someone who drinks too much and is abusive when he does so. I keep trying to “fix” the situation and drink more to make myself less anxious. This is not my first time falling for someone with […]

What is a Hangover? Why Aren’t Hangovers a Deterrent to Drinking?

Ahh, the morning after. Those who have overindulged the night before rise like zombies holding coffee cups to their foreheads. They dig in messy purses and junk drawers for painkillers and stomach settlers, piecing the previous evening’s events together like tattered scraps of paper. No one with a hangover wants to see the sunrise or […]

man with alkaseltzer and water for hangover