body acceptance Rae interview

Rae Green Interview: Embracing Body Acceptance – West MI Women

  Thank yous to West Michigan Magazine for the informed interview with Sanford Behavioral Health Founder, Rae Green. In honor of Body Acceptance Week, a new initiative from the National Eating Disorders Association, Rae gave her perspective on body acceptance as the holiday season approaches. Click the link below for the full article.   “Sanford […]

Ask Rae: How to Choose an Addiction Treatment Center?

Dear Rae: My wife’s addiction and mental health issues have gotten out of hand. It is impacting our quality of life, and our children’s lives. But I am overwhelmed by the options for treatment. How do I find the best addiction treatment center for her? And how do I know what she needs? Also, we […]

Rae Green

Older Adults’ Addiction Treatment – Rae Green at U of M

  It was my pleasure to speak to the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan last week. The topic was “Alcohol and Other Substance Use Treatment and Monitoring” for a class addressing “Interpersonal Practice with Older Adults”. Higher education continues via zoom during the pandemic. And I can say that I have […]

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Drinking Problem? How Do I Know if I Have One?

  Our Admissions Specialists regularly take calls from people on the fence about whether they have a drinking problem. The caller is often in trouble, but they don’t see it. Or don’t want to see it. We appreciate these calls because they provide a non-threatening forum to discuss addiction and the treatment options available in […]


Dear Rae: What to Do When He Abuses Alcohol?

Dear Rae: He drinks way more than I thought! I am embarrassed to say I met a guy 3 years ago online and I fell in love. Yes, he drank, but I was not aware of the degree. Trust is an issue with me, but I tried to be open. We married 2 years ago, […]


Dear Rae: Should We Delay Treatment for Our Son?

Dear Rae: Should we delay treatment for our son? Since March, our 21-year old son has been showing signs of alcohol and marijuana addiction. He is always sneaking off in our back yard, and there have been many times when he has been staggeringly drunk or high. I guess we are seeing it now that […]


Gratitude Therapy – Finding Happiness in Recovery/Life

  I keep a file, with a pink and orange leaf motif, labeled “HAPPINESS”. The file contains articles, post-it notes, clippings, and odds and ends on positive psychology. I am fascinated by the concept of gratitude as a therapeutic intervention (in these times it seems even more germane). And how gratitude groups in the treatment […]

gratitude as therapy sunflowers

Boundaries in Recovery – The Freedom of Setting Limits

From the presentation “Establishing Healthy Boundaries in Recovery” – Families Against Narcotics (FAN) Washtenaw County Family Forum, May 11, 2020 by Rae Green, JD, LPC, CAADC and Ellen M. Sork, LLMSW.   What are boundaries in recovery? “Boundary” is a word that has found its way into our everyday vocabulary and popular media. The concept […]


Dear Rae: Is My High Anxiety Threatening My Recovery?

Dear Rae: I’m home alone and scared – is my high anxiety threatening my recovery? I am reading everywhere that this difficult time is particularly hard on those of us in recovery. I am a year sober from alcohol and drugs myself, live with my boyfriend and I am really struggling with high anxiety. I’m […]

high anxiety

Dear Rae: Will Holiday Temptations Derail My Recovery?

Dear Rae: I am 92 days drug and alcohol free. How do I manage my recovery during the upcoming holiday season? There are so many temptations!  Emily Dear Emily: First, congratulations on 92 days. I am glad you’ve written to me and that you have a healthy respect for the challenges the holidays bring for […]

holiday recovery santa getting treats