Resolutions and Changes – Making Them Stick
Welcome to 2025! In your social circles, the “buzz” is probably about New Year’s resolutions. Did you make any? I want to share some perspectives on how humans make behavioral changes, such as resolutions or adjustments to our relationships and lives. In our second addition to the 12 Days of Hope series, we give you […]
Hope for Creating Personal Boundaries in the Addicted Home
Recently, Sanford Behavioral Health Founder Rae Green and I presented an educational in-service for the Mental Health Association of Michigan. Our focus was on boundaries (personal or external) for recovering families. After the presentation, I began thinking deeply about boundaries and recovery. I became even stronger in my belief that families dealing with addiction have […]
The Holiday Season is Upon Us! Recovery Plans and Tips
The 2024 Holiday Season is upon us! No matter whether and what you celebrate, the season is enjoyable and stressful. The stress comes along with the disruption of our usual day-to-day routines and the added tasks related to the celebrations of the season. Odd isnโt it that the very enjoyment we crave and anticipate, one […]
Coping With Winter SAD – Helpful Tips
Itโs been a great fall season in West Michigan! The weather has been warm and sunny with very little rain, and it has lasted through October. The sunny days and cooler nights have created great colors in the foliage. Almost any day, a person could go outside and enjoy the fresh air and scenery of […]
Are You Supporting or Enabling Your Addicted Loved One?
Over the many years I have spent working with family members of individuals with substance use disorders (SUD), the number one question I get is, “What can we do to help?” The question leads to a discussion about supporting and enabling behaviors to engage in while attempting to get a loved one to acknowledge a […]
CRAFT and Family Treatment in the Addicted Home
If you have followed my two previous articles, you are aware of how a substance use disorder (SUD), a dangerous disease by itself, becomes a family disease. An SUD negatively impacts the current and future generations of a family. Negative consequences of this disease will impact every relationship and situation in the life of a […]
The Impact of Addiction on Children Ages 10 and Older
This article is part two of a series on the impact of addiction on children. Part one (ages ten and younger) was published in July. Before reading this article, I recommend reviewing the first article by clicking the link below. In the Sanford Behavioral Health ย Family Program, we address the impact of addiction on children […]
What is the Impact of Addiction on Children?
At Sanford Behavioral Health, we treat adults with substance use disorders (SUDs). Part of client treatment is to educate and create informed support for the significant folks in their lives. Our clients can be young adults with siblings in their primary family, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, friends, and partners; most have relationships with young children. […]
9 Tips for Recovering Families – Letting Go this Summer
As the 4th of July weekend comes to an end, many of us look forward to enjoying the summer holidays with sun, water fun, and gatherings with loved ones. However, it’s essential to be mindful of the unique challenges that recovering families managing substance use disorders may face during this time. The festivities, which often […]
Hopeful Resolutions – How to Make Behavioral Change Stick in 2024
In less than two weeks, it will be 2024. In your social circles, the โbuzzโ is probably already about New Yearโs hopeful resolutions. Have you made any? According to the Statista Global Consumer Survey, the top resolutions for the coming year are to exercise more, eat healthier, and lose weight. The resolution to deal with […]