The Psychology Behind the Sunday Blues – Wood TV Interview
Emily Linnert and Rae Green in the Wood TV 8 studio, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Why does weekend frivolity make Sunday afternoons feel so foreboding? The term “Sunday Blues’, or “Sunday Scaries” refers to the anxiety 80% of American workers experience as the weekend winds down on Sunday afternoon. Wood TV 8 noon anchor/reporter Emily Linnert and Sanford Behavioral Health Founder Rae Green, JD, LPC, CAADA, discuss the psychology behind the Sunday Scaries in a recent interview.
“The cognitive load is lighter over the weekend – we chill out. When Sunday rolls around, we access part of the brain that hasn’t been used, which causes anticipatory dread…..I would be remiss as a behavioral health provider if I didn’t say that Sunday blues or anxiety can be particularly hazardous for those in recovery. Positive intentions on Sunday set the stage for good vibes during the upcoming workweek. Planning a Monday perk also helps!” Rae Green, Sanford Behavioral Health Founder
How to Deal with the Sunday Scaries – Wood TV Interview
Click the link below for the 3-minute interview:
The Psychology Behind the Sunday Blues
As it darkens on Sunday afternoon, two things seem to cause anxiety. First, the feeling that the weekend slipped away too quicklyย if only you could have a few more hours of “me time.” Second, the overwhelming sense of dread that with Monday comes responsibilities and confronting the problems you put off while enjoying free time. According to Rae Green, who is a Certified Advanced Addiction & Drug Counselor, the following tips may take the sting out of Sunday:
- Practice Mindfulness –ย Mindfulness focuses the attention on the present and not what will happen tomorrow. It also counteracts rumination, worry, and the Sunday Scaries. [Read more…]
- Take a Walk –ย Moving your body, even on a slow walk, clears a cluttered mind. Take time to wind down, validate your feelings, and enjoy the world! [Read more...]
- Work on Sleep Hygiene –ย 79% of Americans say they have more difficulty falling asleep on Sunday nights than other nights. Those who are sleep-deprived experience greater sadness, distress, and hopelessness. [Read more…]
- Pre-Plan Sunday Afternoon –ย When you have a positive energizer to look forward to, it redirects anxiety and “lengthens” the weekend.
- Prepare for Monday –ย Make a simple TO DO list. Spread tasks out over the week to lessen the load on Monday.
- Think Positive –ย Try changing the mindset to positive thoughts. Instead of, โI hate Monday,โ think, โI can do this!โ Treat yourself to a Monday bonus like a specialty coffee on the way to work or a new plant for your desk. The more you expect something good to happen, the more often your brain sees the outcome as positive and makes it so. [Read more…]