Therapy Dog Apollonia Inspires Patients at Sanford Behavioral Health
At Sanford Behavioral Health, therapy dog Apollonia (Apol) is a celebrity of sorts. When she trots through the halls with Sanford Founder Rae Green, both patients and team members brighten. She has inspired artwork in art therapy, love letters from patients leaving treatment, and even a set of personalized note cards. Apol also holds the […]
RIP Santino – Beloved Pet and Trusted Therapy Dog
It is with a heavy heart that we announce Santino, beloved pet and Sanford therapy dog, has died. Santino touched many lives at Sanford. Often, our clients responded to Santino before they were prepared to respond to people. And communing with Santino was a first step in their re-connection to family and friends. Jacqueline Green […]
Power of Pets in Virtual Addiction Treatment
Updated March 2024 Floofer. Doggo. Pupper. Good Boy. These are some of the most cringe-worthy but intensely heartfelt phrases I find flying out of my mouth whenever I see a dog. It can get very embarrassing for those around me whenever I fail to regulate my reaction to pets. All of a sudden, my […]
Dogs & Addiction Recovery – Sobriety’s Best Friend?
In the early days of my recovery journey, staying sober was my primary focus and it kept me busy. I had no time for a dog. In order to beat the cravings, I had to fill my time with all sorts of activities. There were meetings and talking with others in recovery to help me […]