Women and Alcohol

Drink Like a Man – The Science of Women and Alcohol

Women and Alcohol I spent a lot of time in The Bahamas, on a small island called Staniel Cay. I will admit I was not a saint while living there. The collective, benign tolerance to extreme drinking was certainly a factor in my misuse of alcohol. But I was often shocked by the drunken antics […]

I Am Wickedly Rebellious (Sober)

  One of the things I love most about being sober is the notion that itโ€™s a wickedly rebellious act. It is! Think about it.ย  An alcohol soaked world… We live in a world that is literally soaked in booze. Every social occasion, gathering, celebration, achievement, commiseration, high point, low point and Friday night is […]


Why Did You Choose Alcohol and/or Drugs Over Me?

ย  It’s seven o’clock and the school play is starting. Or it’s your birthday dinner with all the relatives. You could be sitting awkwardly with your boss at an introductory lunch, or waiting at the agreed upon spot for a morning walk. Whatever the commitment, you are looking at your watch with your heart in […]

woman waiting for train

Sober Sex Part Two: Who is this Stranger in My Bed?

  When I look back at the two men I dated in the lacuna after my divorce and before I quit drinking, I actually have trouble imagining I was a participant.ย The choices I made in romantic partners, seemed to be based on how different they were from my ex-husbandย and how bad they were for me. […]