Recognizing the Signs of an Eating Disorder

Recognizing the signs of an eating disorder is crucial for seeking help and accessing the right treatment. Sanford Behavioral Health provides effective outpatient treatment programs (including telehealth) for individuals struggling with eating disorders. Our comprehensive programs are tailored to fit into your everyday life while providing the support and expertise needed for recovery.   Our […]

What is the Most Common Eating Disorder?

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), BED is the most common eating disorder in the United States, affecting an estimated 2.8 million people. It is more prevalent in women than men, with 1 in 5 women experiencing […]

Eating Disorder Admissions All-Star Team: Responsibilities and Rewards

At Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders, we are proud of how we have evolved since we opened the first standalone residential treatment center for eating disorders in Michigan. Our residential program is now two years old. Over the past two-plus years, we have also developed day programs and partial day programs for eating disorders, […]

9 Things Parents Teach Children to Prevent Eating Disorders

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), “Starting at a young age, we begin to internalize messages that can lead to negative body image. Having a healthier body image is an important part of mental wellbeing and eating disorders prevention.” Body image begins at home, and at Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders, our […]

Holidays in Rehab – The Best Gift

It’s the holidays—the time for pageants at church and school, traditions, office parties, and family responsibilities. At Sanford Behavioral Health (Sanford), we understand that those with substance use disorders, eating disorders, and mental health conditions try to find reasons to put off getting treatment. Of course, the holidays present the ultimate excuse, no matter whether […]

Hopeful Resolutions – How to Make Behavioral Change Stick in 2024

In less than two weeks, it will be 2024. In your social circles, the “buzz” is probably already about New Year’s hopeful resolutions. Have you made any? According to the Statista Global Consumer Survey, the top resolutions for the coming year are to exercise more, eat healthier, and lose weight. The resolution to deal with […]

The Double Stigma of Men and Eating Disorders

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), 6.6 million males in the U.S. will be affected by an eating disorder at some point in their lives. Like their female counterparts, men and boys across all demographics and cultures are affected by eating disorders. However, males diagnosed with eating disorders have a double stigma to […]

Family Gatherings with an Eating Disorder – Tips from Dr. Flores

Family gatherings can be challenging for those in eating disorder recovery, especially during the holidays. We sat down with Dr. Anna Flores,  Doctor of Clinical Nutrition on staff at Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders (Sanford CTED). She gives us valuable tips on managing eating disorder recovery during the holidays, into the New Year, or […]

SAD, Sunday Scaries, & Seasonal Anxiety – Best of Excursions

It is that time of year when the air cools, and the invitations to feast, drink, and be merry begin to arrive. Obligations at work, parties, lunch with friends, and family get-togethers are all part of navigating real-life recovery from addiction, eating disorders, and mental health conditions during the holidays. For those new to recovery, […]

Should Treatment for Eating Disorders Be FUN?

The recreational therapy team at Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders (SCTED) is always an inspiring group to interview. They take on many roles, so you might find them running process groups, leading a light yoga session, driving a van on an excursion to a restaurant, or in a huddle with the interdisciplinary team. Whatever […]