The “OTHERS” Program Al-Anon

  Al-Anon is a 12-step program that adopted the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous word-for-word, except for the 12th step, changing the word “alcoholics” to “others.” The “others” program is akin to AA but aids families and friends of those with an alcohol use disorder. In the group, they practice the 12 steps, give support […]

Virtual Addiction Treatment? Pros and Cons from Therapists

  A need or problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem.ย  Plato   The cornerstone of addiction treatment has always been in-person connection and group therapy. But with the advent of COVID-19 and the stay-at-home directives, Sanford therapists have had to get inventive with Virtual Addiction Treatment.ย  Because now more […]

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The Rise of Women & Alcoholism – WNEM TV5 Interviews Sanford House

  WNEM TV5 interviewed Sanford House Marketing Director Marilyn Spiller and Founder and President Rae Greenย  on the rise of alcoholism in women. In this comprehensive interview, Spiller shares her story – an alcohol dependence that spanned 25 years. And Rae Green, who is also an Addiction Therapist, explains why alcohol use disorders are claiming […]


Warning – Bariatric Surgery Can Lead to Alcohol Addiction

  There are times on the road to wellness, when the only thing one can say is, “No fair.” I remember thinking no fair when six months sober, a long dormant eating disorder popped up like the head of a Hydra. Just when I had my alcohol use disorder (AUD) licked, another trial presented itself. […]

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Enabling VS Empathy – It’s a Fine Line – Interacting With Addiction

  Even if you arenโ€™t familiar with addiction treatment, youโ€™ve probably heard the term “enabler”.ย Enabling describes how loved ones interact with a person with a substance use disorder (SUD). And although many of us have heard the word, few of us know what it actually means.   Enabling behavior is anything that supports an addictโ€™s […]


Dysfunctional Drinking – Am I Being the Fun Police?

    I was scrolling through Instagram a couple of days ago when I saw a photo that a local celebrity had posted. It was of a takeaway cup filled with wine and the caption read: โ€œSneaking a light beverage into the school prize giving tonight.โ€ ย  The photo was liked by over 2,000 people […]
