Admissions Specialists – The First Voice You Hear – Limelight Interview

The phrase “dream team” is overused for a reason. It simply describes people who do their jobs well, work well together, and are the kind of folks you would like to have lunch with. They make an organization better. Admissions Specialist Aaron Marshall and Lead Admissions Specialist Jordan Higby are that kind of team, although […]

Sanford Behavioral Health Admissions – An Inside Look

At Sanford Behavioral Health, our goal is to make the administrative aspects of going to treatment as seamless as possible. We work with everyone who contacts us to determine their best options. Today, we sat down with Kelly Stone, who spearheads the admissions process, to get an update. Whether you are privately paying or utilizing […]

These 10 Excuses are the Enemy to Your Recovery. Do Any Apply to You?

  It’s the holidaysโ€”the time for pageants at church and school, office parties, and family responsibilities. As a person in recovery, I can remember this time of year while in active addiction. On top of the crushing TO DO list of everyday holiday tasks, there was the exhausting schedule of drinking, planning to drink, and […]