Drug and Alcohol Recovery Achievements
The Recovery Research Institute recently looked at a representative sample of adults who reported “resolution of an alcohol or drug problem”.ย These adults were examined for achievements in family, life-style, and economic and community participation. The working definition of recovery is: “a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential”. And the survey and subsequent analysis confirms that life in recovery has its long-lasting benefits.
Recovery Achievements
Findings from the Recovery Research Institute (Eddie, et al., 2020)
23.35 million adults (9.1%) in the U.S. have resolved “significant drug or alcohol use problems”.ย
46% of those who resolved a problem with alcohol or drugs did so without formal treatment.
50% of the above population self-identify as being in recovery.
80% report achievements in self-improvement, family relationships, and civic and economic participation.
Achievements are associated with greater happiness, self-esteem, and wellbeing. Also, the more achievements, the longer the duration of recovery.ย
Of the 23.35 million, many report opioids or cannabis as their drug of use. However, the majority are recovering from alcohol problems.
Housing stability, family support, debt resolution, reductions in domestic disturbance/arrests/imprisonment are all impacted by a longer time in recovery.
45% of black individuals said spirituality made a difference in their recovery journey.
For More Information:
Recovery Achievements, (David Eddie, PHD & Bill White)