Women’s Mental Health 2021 – Best of Excursions
Sleep problems, depression and anxiety are more common in women than in men according to a recent report by Frontiers in Global Women’s Health. What’s more, as isolation extended during the pandemic, women’s symptoms worsened.
Perhaps not surprisingly, women also reported higher scores on a scale measuring empathy in the report. Empathy is defined as, “The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” However, greater empathy scores were also linked to greater anxiety, depression and trauma. Women have taken on the lion’s share of the family responsibilities during the COVID-19 restrictions. And feeling with their loved ones has become an added stressor.
Women’s Mental Health 2021
Other reports on mental health show that women have increased their drug and alcohol consumption during the pandemic. Women have left the workforce in record numbers since 2020. Women lost more than 4 million payroll jobs during the pandemic. And 32% of women say childcare is the reason they left their jobs.
Covid-19 pandemic has affected women much more profoundly than men, both as frontline workers and at home. Financial crisis is gradually developing and as a consequence mental health issues are likely to grow exponentially.ย Nevertheless, we should consider this pandemic as an opportunity to build better, stronger, more resilient societies that could bring relief as well as hope to all women on earth.
Frontiers in Women’s Mental Health
What Can We Do to Improve Women’s Mental Health 2021?
Sleep, social interaction and exercise are important factors in maintaining mental health. But like physical health, mental health takes practice. We have comprised a list of the BEST OF EXCURSIONS, and our favorite resources to educate, inspire and encourage women during 2021 and beyond.
The Primal Scream: America’s Mothers Are In Crisis – The New York Times
Women’s Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic – Frontiers in Women’s Mental Health
Women, Alcohol and the Wine Culture – Sanford Addiction Treatment Centers
The Wellbeing Trifecta – Sleep, Social Interaction and Exercise – Mental State of the World Report 2020/Sanford Addiction Treatment Centers
Mindfulness, Manageable Stress & Addiction Treatment – Sanford Addiction Treatment Centers
Here’s Why Women Can’t Drink Like Men – Sanford Addiction Treatment Centers
Gratitude Therapy: Finding Happiness in Recovery and Life – Sanford Addiction Treatment Centers
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