How to Be a (Sober) Legend in Your Own Lifetime…


You know the saying โ€˜The only constant is changeโ€™? I know itโ€™s a terrible cliche, but boy is it true.


Iโ€™ve been noticing this recently with regards to my emotional and physical health. I get in a good rhythm with things and Iโ€™m firing on all cylinders being happy and healthy and I think, โ€œThis is great! Look at clever me!โ€ but before long the inevitable happens and things flip and change.


The Emotional Grit – 5 1/2 Years Sober

Something emotionally gritty will come along and while dealing with that Iโ€™ll slowly drop into a melancholy phase. Iโ€™ll feel a bit glum and negative and the world will appear flat and colourless. All the things that usually make me happy seem inconsequential and itโ€™s an effort to get through each day.


But now – after 5 and a half years of being sober and getting to know the truth about life and my emotional rhythms – I know not to panic or worry that Iโ€™m going to fall into a never-ending pit of despair. I know to just ride out the storm and trust that things will eventually flip and change back again. That the strong and together part of me will come back fighting.



Allowing the Flat Bits…

So, I just let myself be a bit flat and low, a bit piggy and miserable, all the while trusting that eventually Iโ€™ll lift back up again and get my act together. And sure enough eventually I do!


Thatโ€™s the bit I love. The bit where my โ€˜emotional hangoverโ€™ fades and I finally start getting perky and fighting fit again. The positive endorphins start to flow, my energy lifts up and I feel good again.


And because I get through all my low phases without numbing or avoiding, I learn just a little bit more about myself each time it happens.


And Here’s What I Learn About Myself:

I learn that itโ€™s ok to feel glum and flat.


I learn that itโ€™s normal to have emotional ups and downs (when I was drinking I tried to keep everything upbeat all of the time which was silly because lifeโ€™s not like that).


I learn that if I allow myself to fully feel my own emotional storms I become more empathetic and sympathetic towards other people and their struggles.


I learn that feeling the bad phases makes me appreciate the smooth phases much more!


smoth emotional phases with horns


I learn that practicing self-care through rough patches is rather lovely and makes me feel kindly toward myself.


I learn that tough emotions wonโ€™t kill me. That Iโ€™m strong and resilient and capable and brave.


And I Don’t Think I’m Alone

I donโ€™t think Iโ€™m alone in this. I think this is the experience that all of us sober people have. Deep down we know that although it sucks to feel “the feels” all of the time, ultimately it is rewarding and good.


You just have to remember to notice all the subtle work that we are doing all of the time.


Because we sober people – we are all legends in our own lifetimes.


And thatโ€™s the truth.



Mrs. D is the name Lotta Dann gave herself when she began anonymously blogging in 2011. Through her long-running blog, Mrs. D Is Going Without; Lotta discovered the incredible power of online support for people quitting drinking. Her best-selling memoir, telling the story of her recovery, was published in 2014, and later that same year, Living Sober was launched. Living Sober takes all of the powerful aspects Lotta discovered about online recovery and condenses it here into one space, making it readily accessible for thousands of people so that they can also turn their lives around