7 Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms to Be Aware of

a woman patient smiles while sitting in a chair while her therapist writes down binge eating disorder symptoms to help the patient

Binge eating disorder is a serious condition, but itโ€™s not always easy to tell that a loved one is in need of a binge eating disorder program. Binge eating often results in high levels of guilt and shame, which may lead a person to conceal the extent of their unhealthy relationship with food.

Knowing the most common signs of a binge eating disorder can help you recognize there’s a problem and encourage a loved one to get professional help.

Sanford Behavioral Health offers treatment for binge eating disorder. Give us a call at 616.202.3326 to learn more about how the eating disorder programs at Sanford Behavioral Health can help you or a loved one.

Common Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms and Signs

Whether youโ€™re wondering if your own eating habits constitute binge eating or youโ€™re concerned about a loved one, knowing the most common binge eating disorder symptoms is the first step toward seeking out help.

1. Eating Excessive Amounts of Food

The most well-known sign of binge eating is over-eating. Often, this feels like a compulsion, and a person may eat to the point of discomfort, even if they aren’t hungry or want to stop.

2. Eating Rapidly or Secretly

Unusual eating behaviors are another significant sign of an eating disorder. During a binge, a person may eat rapidly. Secretiveness around eating is also common. A person may hide their eating habits from friends or loved ones or feel uncomfortable eating around others.

3. Binging and Restricting

Binge eating disorder does not typically involve self-induced vomiting or the use of laxatives. However, a person may occasionally binge and then restrict food in an attempt to offset the effects of the binge.

4. Feeling Shame About Eating

Binge eating often results in feelings of shame, guilt, and embarrassment, which may lead a person to hide their eating habits or avoid discussing the subject.

5. Gaining Weight

Gaining weight is often a symptom of binge eating. Overconsumption of food can lead to weight gain and wreak havoc on the bodyโ€™s metabolism, making it harder to maintain stable body weight.

6. Attempts to Lose Weight

Binge eating often results in feelings of shame and dissatisfaction with oneโ€™s appearance. After binging, a person may engage in behaviors like dieting in an attempt to lose weight.

7. Mild Eating Disorder Symptoms

There are many signs of disordered eating that donโ€™t equate to a diagnosis, but theyโ€™re still a sign that something is wrong. Some common mild eating disorder symptoms include:

  • Excessive concern with diet or calorie intake
  • Only eating certain types of food
  • Following a strict eating schedule
  • Never eating around other people
  • Excessive exercising
  • Extreme concern about physical appearance
  • Distorted perceptions of appearance
  • Weight fluctuations

Mild symptoms may be a sign that a person is hiding an eating disorder or that one is beginning to develop.

Taking Action over the Warning Signs of Binge Eating

Binge eating disorder is a condition that involves eating unhealthy amounts of food. For a person struggling with a binge eating disorder, eating may be a compulsion they feel they canโ€™t control.

Itโ€™s important to understand that all eating disorders are serious conditions that require professional help to overcome. In addition to the severe impact on quality of life, binge eating can lead to chronic health conditions and premature death.

Get Help with an Eating Disorder at Sanford Behavioral Health

An individual who is struggling with a binge eating disorder is likely aware that their relationship to food is unhealthy. Often, the result is secretiveness around binge eating disorder symptoms.

If you notice warning signs of binge eating, itโ€™s an indicator that a treatment program is needed. If you or a loved one are struggling with a binge eating disorder, contact our team of dedicated professionals at 616.202.3326 to get help with your eating disorder at Sanford Behavioral Health.

addiction, eating disorders, mental health treatment

Sanford Behavioral Health is an addiction, eating disorder, and mental health treatment facility serving Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan, and beyond. Our mission is to promote mental health, resilience, and well-being. Our goal is to provide practical and accessible substance use disorder, eating disorder, and mental health treatment to our patients. Sanford is led by a multi-disciplinary team offering integrative residential, outpatient and telehealth programs.