What Is Body Dysmorphia?

By Sanford Behavioral Health | January 3, 2024
a woman sits with a specialist and asks the specialist what is body dysmorphia

When discussing eating disorders, the term “body dysmorphia” frequently comes to the forefront. But what is body dysmorphia? Body dysmorphia or body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a serious mental health condition where a person can obsessively focus on perceived flaws in their appearance, flaws often unnoticeable to others. This condition can cause significant distress, affecting […]

How to Recognize the Early Stages of a Heroin Addiction

By Sanford Behavioral Health | September 27, 2023
woman sits on a couch looking at her addiction specialist who is discussing with her the early stages of heroin addiction

Heroin addiction is a serious condition that can have devastating effects on a person and those around them. It’s essential to recognize the early stages of heroin addiction so you or your loved one can get help before it’s too late. Sanford Behavioral Health offers help and support to those with heroin addiction through our […]

5 Symptoms of Meth Exposure in Infants

By Sanford Behavioral Health | September 22, 2023
a man sits and holds his baby close to his face while smiling and thinking about the symptoms of meth exposure in infants

Prenatal drug exposure can have devastating long-term effects on an infant’s health and development. The use of methamphetamine during pregnancy is one of the most significant concerns for healthcare providers. Infants exposed to meth in the womb can experience various symptoms and complications that can negatively impact their lives. At Sanford Behavioral Health, we can […]

What Are the Health Risks of Bulimia?

By Sanford Behavioral Health | September 20, 2023
a specialist sits with a notepad in her lap and takes notes about the health risks of bulimia nervosa and discusses those with the patient sitting across from her

Dealing with the repetitive cycle of binging and purging that comes with bulimia nervosa can be highly challenging and concerning. It’s important to understand the health risks of bulimia can become irreversible without intervention. This serious eating disorder requires professional treatment and should be taken seriously. Sanford Behavioral Health offers a specialized bulimia nervosa program […]

5 Signs of Compulsive Eating Disorder

By Sanford Behavioral Health | September 13, 2023
a woman looks and listens intently to the medical professional sitting across from her who is explaining the signs of compulsive eating disorder

Addressing eating disorders as soon as possible is important, as they can be very dangerous mental health conditions. Binge eating disorder (BED), commonly known as compulsive eating disorder, is a significant and challenging issue. It can be a difficult experience for those who struggle with it, and it’s essential to provide support and understanding to […]

3 Ways to Help a Friend with an Eating Disorder

By Sanford Behavioral Health | September 8, 2023
four friends are outside eating breakfast sandwiches and smiling while discussing how they might help their friend with an eating disorder

Eating disorders are a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s a common condition that most people struggle to cope with, whether the patient is an adolescent, adult, or older. As a friend, watching your loved one battle with an eating disorder can be heart-wrenching. Most people wonder what to do or […]

How to Address Alcoholism with Your Spouse

By Sanford Behavioral Health | September 6, 2023
a woman holds her husbands hand and looks at him and ready to address alcoholism with her spouse

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem that affects not only the person with the addiction but also their loved ones. If you suspect your spouse has a drinking issue, approaching the topic can be a delicate and challenging task. However, by learning how to address alcoholism with your spouse and providing the support they need, […]

10 Family Therapy Activities for the Summer

By Sanford Behavioral Health | July 12, 2023
a family of three goes on a bike ride on trail in the forest enjoying one of many family therapy activities

At Sanford Behavioral Health, we believe that family therapy is an integral part of addiction recovery. Fortunately, summer is a great time to begin addiction treatment in general and family therapy specifically. There is a wide array of family therapy activities that are suited for the summer at our family therapy and counseling program. Many […]

What Are the Benefits of Outpatient Detox?

By Sanford Behavioral Health | July 5, 2023
a man sits and talks with group members who are listening to him talk about the benefits of outpatient detox

  In an ideal world, when a person has an addiction to drugs or alcohol, they could take a few weeks off from their responsibilities. They could then enroll in an inpatient detox center and begin the process of recovery away from life’s temptations and triggers. However, life rarely resembles an ideal world. In most […]

How Does Binge Eating Affect Your Body?

By Sanford Behavioral Health | June 6, 2023
a woman holds one hand to her stomach while the other one holds a chicken drumstick and realizes how binge eating affects her body

Binge eating disorder (BED) is a life-threatening disorder characterized by episodes of eating extreme amounts of calories in short periods. It often happens even when you are not hungry. BED can have devastating mental and physical consequences, but a binge eating disorder program can help. People with this eating disorder typically feel like they have […]