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Monika Steffens, MSDA

Director of Finance & Analytics  

Monika Steffens is an accountant and data scientist who pioneered Sanford’s real-time use of data, a tool that has transformed management’s decision-making process. Sanford emphasizes outcomes data, and Monika has led the effort to create, collect, and summarize these data points for use internally, and with referring providers and payors. 

With an array of graphs and bar charts, Monika has created systems to effectively communicate with outside stakeholders. Monika has been instrumental in changing the culture around the importance of accurate, complete, and consistent records, thus promoting decision making based on trend analysis and projections. In effect, she has reshaped how Sanford collects and presents data, resulting in the ability to better identify complex issues and provide guidance in creating improved solutions and systems moving forward.  

Monika began with flexible financial staffing projections designed for the opening of Sanford West Behavioral Health Campus. Today this model includes the census, staffing needs, market mix, payor rates, and other variable and fixed costs. She uses this model daily to help with trend analysis, cash flow projections, variable budgeting needs, and external reporting.  

Monika is frequently found guiding the Sanford Management Team in updating staffing strategies and projections in their respective departments. She enjoys the complexities of a growing behavioral healthcare organization and helping shape processes for both present and future data utilization.